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Katherine Kondor

Research Associate

Loughborough University

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Katherine Kondor is a Research Associate at the School of Social Sciences, Loughborough University. Her research is focused on radical right social movements and collective action, with particular interest in methods of radicalisation and pathways to activism. With a background in Anthropology, Katherine holds a PhD in Criminology from the University of Huddersfield where she conducted a mixed-methods comparative analysis of radical right organisations in Hungary and Great Britain. Using secondary survey analysis, online analysis, and qualitative interviews, the thesis examined drivers to far-right attitudes, methods of recruitment and identity formation by radical right organisations, and pathways to activism in radical right organisations. For her thesis, Katherine was awarded the inaugural Cas Mudde Early Career Scholarship prize with the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right, where she is also a Doctoral Fellow. Katherine has published expert reports on violent extremism in Hungary and several manuscripts in edited volumes. Her primary responsibilities on the project consist of assisting with the organisation and execution of qualitative data collection, analysis, and management.